If you are not closing the sale on line then your marketing is not effective. Effective marketing is getting the sale at the end of the day. Many people just push for advertising and promotions with out closing the sale online. You've got to be an internet marketer to win in this online game of promotions. Sale Sale Sale that is the name of the game.
We will see you at the finish line.
peace Coolwater
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Marketing what is it
The Purpose of marketing is to sale stuff and if you are not selling stuff then you are not marketing your services or products in correct manner. The traditional way of marketing is old stuff, and if you don't know that the internet is about making money and making money only then you are going to find yourself in a bad position. Marketing is changing and you better be up on the new new inorder to get sales sales sales.
peace cool water
peace cool water
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